Tele Health - Hyperconnect Enterprise
Empower live interaction between patients, clinicians, and specialists via live chat, video call, and live video streaming to make healthcare become personal again.
Shifting the traditional health paradigm
to continuous live interactions
Make routine visits easier through virtual care
Meet with your doctor or specialists from anywhere, while getting a diagnosis live in a personalized virtual room through the highest quality audio and video experience.
Hyperconnect Enterprise platform empowers patients to have a live video experience with clinicians to support many health use cases via virtual rooms and to maximize people’s care.
Get a virtual medical care screening through the integration of 1-on-1, or 1-to-many live video communication from any location and device.
Make routine visits easier through virtual care
Meet with your doctor or specialists from anywhere, while getting a diagnosis live in a personalized virtual room through the highest quality audio and video experience.
Hyperconnect Enterprise platform empowers patients to have a live video experience with clinicians to support many health use cases via virtual rooms and to maximize people’s care.
Get a virtual medical care screening through the integration of 1-on-1, or 1-to-many live video communication from any location and device.
Provide unlimited clinical expertise to your specialists
Create a branded virtual clinic or hospital by harnessing the power of live chat, video calls and live streaming to share medical insights with your specialists in a virtual place.
Hyperconnect Enterprise platform gives your providers a simple, intuitive, and real-time video experience to improve the convenience and cost-effectiveness of these visits or follow-ups.
Set up a comprehensive telehealth solution to your existing patient’s app or portal with the industry’s first APIs and SDKs for live healthcare.
The right digital care that fits your organization’s workflow
Expand your institution, hospital, or clinic's live virtual strategies to address the new community healthcare challenges, while reducing barriers and costs, and enhancing patient satisfaction.
Hyperconnect Enterprise’s technology delivers comprehensive media engine APIs to enable live video solutions for health systems while improving patient engagement and wellness.
Develop telehealth wellness screenings to close gaps in healthcare, by offering live streaming solutions for virtual assistant and action plans.
Join the Telehealth wave
by incorporating live
connection into healthcare
Remote Monitoring
and Diagnostics
Allow your patients to achieve better health outcomes by adding 1:1 video calls and live chat to connect, diagnose, and heal wherever they are.
Remote Monitoring
and Diagnostics
Allow your patients to achieve better health outcomes by adding 1:1 video calls and live chat to connect, diagnose, and heal wherever they are.
Establish a Unique
Develop at ease, a telehealth center for urgent care, on-call expertise, chronic ambulatory care, and more. Establish a unique global infrastructure.
Increase Staff
Collaborate across multiple care settings via live chats and live video streaming sessions. Spend more time making the staff more capable and effective.
Make Routine
Visits Easier
Eliminate the barrier of on-site transportation to increase the likelihood of the patient’s treatment through telemedicine follow-ups, visits, and treatment.
Facilitate Better
Health at Lower Costs
Equip patients, doctors, and health providers with live visual information to support patient’s journeys while reducing the cost of care, transportation, and time.
Leverage Accountable
Visual Data
Address the challenges of health centers and communities, while providing a secure live video solution aligned with international regulations.
Meet the growing demand for telehealth,
and establish a holistic digital strategy
Personalized Virtual Care Experience
Establish a 1-on-1 video call for remote consultation. Connect patients and clinicians altogether in a virtual space. Build a platform where the patients share their record and doctors engage with them.
Build a customized live video solution that fits the industry’s best practices.
Interact with One-to-Many
Bring multiple specialists, providers, and patients altogether by embedding a live video streaming solution through media APIs within your web, mobile, or app for rich communication.
Deliver all-device optimized user experience via live video chat SDKs.
Collaborate with Many-to-Many
Connect seamlessly with multiple health specialists, students, and providers to collaborate from anywhere. Develop strong relationships, training, and medical updates via live video streaming events.
Simplify the complexity of building interactive video via media APIs.
Hyperconnect enables
health centers
to embed live video chat
into their platforms
Hyperconnect’s advanced algorithms and SDKs enable a reliable stream with low-latency, even in the most isolated place on earth.
Hyperconnect media engine APIs provide seamless integrations with multiple services and the telehealth industry ecosystems in the market.
Technology powered by our APIs:
Hyperconnect’s Video Call, Live Chat,
and Live Streaming.
Telehealth Systems powered by our APIs:
Hyperconnect’s Video Call, Live Chat, And Live Streaming
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